Took some time to celebrate!! hehe..I love Madonna.. Well it's Friday and I took the day off work to finally enjoy a nice holiday break for the Fourth of July! I have plans to start crossing off some of my summer goals from my list and start enjoying the summer this weekend. More often than not when I take a random day off, it's met with chores and boring stuff. I also want to be spontaneous. I'm not sure how that will pan out since Zach is notoriously non-spontaneous. He'll admit it too. I honestly have every intention this morning to trek on up to Richmond and do some exploring. There's this incredible Tudor home and garden that is chock full of history that I'm dying to see. Today is as good as any to head over there.
Well I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!! And if it's a long weekend, then even better!!! I heard it's Canada Day today so I can only assume you have the day off from school/work and Monday it's Fourth of July so holidays are abundant for North Americans:)
Vintage Dress, Thrifted
Belt, Fred Flare
Kimichi Blue Flats, UO
Cardigan, Thrifted
Cardigan, Thrifted
Coin Necklace, Grandmother's memento
Purse, Plarn Bag from my Uncle N ---Thanks Uncle N!! It's my favorite bag ever:)
You can find them on Etsy