I'll greet you with a smile.

This is a portrait that I had been working on last week, I guess I did what I knew and was a way of me coping by sitting down at a table with my watercolour paints, pens and pencil and just cracking on with drawing. I took it along to the funeral on Monday and placed it up, outside alongside all the beautiful flowers. I would like to get prints made up for some family members who expressed that they would like to have one up in there house. 

I drew and painted all the flowers and leaves individually then cut them out so I could arrange it in a frame to the way I wanted. My dad did however proceed to pick it up before I had attached the flowers and he gave me a bit of a mission of arranging them to how I liked again... honestly, Dads! 

'In the morning sunrise when all the world is new,
Just look for me and love me, as you know I love you.'
